Umbrella Network— Oracle as a Service

Debabrata Samal
1 min readJan 28, 2021

With increase in adoption of crypto, new use cases are being developed everyday. And it is not new that oracle based projects are being launched in different blockchain layers.

However, Umbrella Network team has taken this concept to a new level with their OaaS (Oracle as a Service) model. With increase in popularity of cloud computing, the service based model has transformed the cloud computing space. Similarly, bringing service based model to oracle services will transform this space.

OaaS give anyone the power to create an oracle request. Like any other usage based model, you pay for the service. Here the payment is done using $UMB token. Participants try to solve the request to earn the reward associated with the same. Now, the self correcting authentication mechanism rewards the voters who win while reducing the weight for those who voted in the lost cause. This mechanism ensures reward for authenticity and thus maintains self sustenance.

You can get more information on Umbrella Network by visiting:




About me:

I am a product manager by profession and crypto enthusiast by nature. I believe in mass adoption of crypto and work towards it.

You can reach me in Telegram at: @devsamal84

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